Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Signs? What is the rules on signs in my yard?

Section 8.12. Signs. No signs of any kind shall be displayed to the public view on any Lot except
one sign of not more than five (5) square feet, advertising the Property for sale or rent. City issued Garage sale permit signs must be removed within 24 hours of the completion of the activity. Political signs, size and placement, are to be posted and removed in accordance with city ordinance. Home security warning
signs can be posted per city ordinance. No sign is permitted on the common areas/limited common areas of
any kind except the marquees at entrances and rules around the ponds.

See link Here for section in covenants

Mailboxes, I need to replace my mailbox what are the standards?

cection 8.16. Mail Boxes. All mail boxes must be constructed of decorative or ornamental metal,
brick or rock, the design of which shall be subject to approval of the Architectural Committee, and shall be
located immediately adjacent to the street within the Owner’s Lot or as directed by the United States Postal
Service. Decorative or ornamental metal mail boxes shall be painted white.

See link Here for direct reference in Covenants.

Are Chickens, Ducks, Cows, or Goats allowed?

No.. The HOA has a covenants rule on this
Section 8.15. Animals. No animals, livestock, or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred or kept
on any Lot. Dogs, cats and other household pets may be kept, provided they are not allowed to run at
large, are kept in the confines of their Owners’ Lots, and are not kept for the purposes of breeding for
commercial purposes. There is a maximum limit of 3 dogs.

See section of covenants Here.

What is the rule regarding trailers?

The City has a ordnance on no detached trailers in the roadway.
Sec. 24-201 (a) No motor vehicle of a length of twenty-two (22) feet or more or having more than two (2) axles, or trailer shall be parked or left standing on any city street, at any time except for the active loading or unloading of persons or materials, and only when not in violation of any other ordinance.
Link to specific section in MWC Codes Here

The HOA has a covenants rule on such items in front yard/driveway.
Section 8.19. Other Vehicles. No trailers (travel trailers, house trailers, work trailers, boat
trailers, etc.), mobile home, boat or any other recreational vehicle shall be visible from any street, and all trailers and recreational vehicles must be kept in the dwelling’s garage or on a separate pad in the
backyards of the dwellings so as not to be visible from any street within Oakwood East.
Linke to specific section in covenants is Here

Grass, how tall is too tall?

The city has an ordnance on grass height, the majority of the grass must be in excess of 1 foot. Please contact Midwest City Code Enforcement at 405-739-1009. However we encourage people to be good neighbors and get to know your neighbor and look out for them maybe give them a helping hand or let them borrow your mower to stay in compliance. A little kindness can go a long way.

Can I park my car in the street? Or car partially blocking street..

Yes you can park in the street. However the street’s are governed by Midwest City Ordinances. There is some minor exceptions to follow. Mailboxes can not be blocked and must be accessible by the mail trucks during business hours. Also there must be 10 feet of available space between the outer side of the car and the next obstruction on the other side of street to allow vehicles such as Fire Trucks, Sanitation Trucks to get past. A problem that seems to come to the attention of residents is cars parking on apposing curbs, again the rule is a minimal 10 feet of clearance between the two cars. Failure to comply could result in fines and city removing your vehicle. If you wish to report a vehicle please contact the city’s non emergency line at 405-732-2266. Please do not contact the HOA for this, it is a city ordnance and we can not do anything other than call which could be days later.

When is the Quarterly Bulk Trash pickup?

The schedule changes year to year, please see Sanitation link on website. We are in zone 12 for the map for the schedule. They schedule “for a week of” meaning your stuff must be out on the street no later than Monday Morning of that week but they could visit your streent Monday morning or as late as Friday afternoon. When they go down your street that quarter they will not revisit your street.

When is the Recycling carts picked up and what is recyclable?

The Blue Recycling carts are emptied on a bi weekly basis. TThe items that can be recycled is cardboard (No Food containers such as Pizza boxes that have greese and food as it is contaminated and not recyclable), aluminum cans, some plastic. Please see Sanitation on website for complete details on what can be recycled and scheduling

When is the regular sanitation (green carts) emptied

Every Friday unless a Federal Holiday or weather situation and in those cases for a Holiday the city generally picks up the day before. On weather situations the city may send out notice that they will be attempting a pickup the next business day. See website link Sanitation for more information.

How do I contact or ask a question to the HOA?

Prefered method is attend the monthly meeting. As any follow up questions can be addressed also we like to meet our neighbors. But you can always email us

When / Where does the HOA Meet.

Generally the HOA has their monthly meeting the 2nd Thursday of every month. excluding October which will have their National Night Out instead. Location is generally at the city’s Charles Johnson building but could change, see links on side of webpage for upcoming meeting date/time/locatio See Meeting Minutes tab for more information about location/times and for past meeting minutes